Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a commonly overlooked disease that affects up to 30% of people, causing stinging, irritation, or the feeling of sand in the eyes. So far, treatment and diagnosis of dry eyes has been quite limited. However, at Scandinavian Eye Centers, we have a specialized department that focuses on new treatments for dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome occurs due to an imbalance in the eye's tear film. The tear fluid is made up of three things: oil, water, and mucous substances. Every time we blink, the tear fluid is distributed across the cornea, forming a film on the surface of the eye. This film moisturizes the eye, ensuring clear vision, protecting against dirt and infections, and providing nutrients to the eye's surface. When there is either too little water or the tear film composition is incorrect, it causes dry eye syndrome. This condition is typically due to either reduced tear production or increased tear film evaporation. In summary, dry eye syndrome negatively impacts the eye's tear film.
Dry eye syndrome has typically been treated symptomatically with eye drops, which is only a temporary solution. At the Scandinavian Eye Center, we approach things differently. We conduct thorough diagnostics to identify the root cause of the problem. By doing so, we can treat the underlying cause of the problem, not just alleviate the symptoms. We have the latest equipment to optimize the tear film and eye surface, providing a more effective solution for dry eye syndrome. Our advanced treatment methods can significantly improve the quality of life for those experiencing dry eye syndrome. We are committed to being at the forefront of treating dry eye syndrome and restoring our patients' comfort and quality of life.
Dry eye problems can have various causes, but the most common one is age. As people get older, tear production decreases, and the composition of tears changes. Other factors that may cause dry eyes include indoor climate, such as air conditioning and computer use. When using screens, people tend to blink less, which can cause dry eyes. Certain types of medication, for example, blood pressure medication, antihistamines, and anti-depressants can also cause dry eyes. Health conditions like diabetes, arthritis, connective tissue diseases, and vitamin deficiencies can also lead to dry eyes. Women, especially during hormonal changes like menopause, may be more susceptible to dry eyes. Regardless of the reason, dry eye syndrome is a significant concern for those affected by it.

When individuals experience irritated red eyes that sting or itch, they often seek assistance from a general practitioner or ophthalmologist. Another common symptom of this condition is watery eyes. It may seem contradictory when a doctor diagnoses dry eye syndrome in a case where the eyes water, but this is actually quite common. Although eye drops can provide temporary relief, they do not address the underlying issue.

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects up to 30% of people. If you suffer from chronic dry eyes, it can be a major inconvenience in your daily life. Those who experience severe dry eyes may find themselves almost disabled by the condition.

How can we help?

Book an online consultation and talk to one of our ophthalmologists, who will guide and inform you about your treatment options.

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